As a church, we believe that prayer is vital to the life of a believer, a follower of Jesus. Any relationship where there isn't good communication is not a healthy one, and so taking time to speak regularly with our heavenly Father, and listen to Him, is as important as any human relationship.
Prayer at Burton Elm Church takes a number of different forms:
Personal Prayer - every follower of Jesus should have a healthy personal prayer life, and as a church we will encourage and help you to develop this;
Connect Groups - our Connect Groups are where we gather together as a church family through the week, and as part of this we take time to pray together for each other and support each other with life;
Wednesday Mornings - there is an opportunity to gather together at 9:30am at Moor Street for an hour to pray together
Saturday Mornings - there is an opportunity to gather together at 8:00am at Moor Street for an hour to pray together
Prayer Ministry - when we gather on Sundays, there is always an opportunity to be prayed for. Sometimes we invite people to respond for prayer, but feel free to approach one of our leaders and request prayer.
Pastoral Prayer Ministry- our pastor is available to visit, meet and pray with you if there are specific, or more in depth needs.
Week of Prayer - held each year in September, you can find our more here
As we pray for people, we encourage the use of the Gifts of the Spirit, and are happy to offer the opportunity for anointing with oil if appropriate.