re-stART Kids
re-stART Kids


When (open for registration):  Tuesday 15th April
When (provisional future dates):  Tuesday 5th August, Tuesday 19th August
Time: 10:00am to 12noon
Cost: FREE

Over the summer holidays re-stART ran our first two sessions for kids.  They've been very popular and we've seen some amazing artwork produced! Provisional dates have been set for future school holidays, and more details and registration will be available for these nearer the time.  We aim to open registration 4-6 weeks before each date.  Details will be posted on our Facebook page and also included in the weekly newsletter.  You can receive this by signing up where it says "register" in the top right corner of this page.

This is a great opportunity for parents to join their children in creating some wonderful pieces of art.

Whilst this session is for children, parents must stay to accompany them.

Registration for the Easter holidays is now open.  


re-stART kids session in action