Our Leadership Team

Our church is led by our pastor and elders, who work together with our deacons to give the church direction and oversight.

Our Elders

PD0138 Christopher Drury 

Chris is married to Lynette, and has 4 grown up children. Together they have many shared years of experience working with hurting people.  Prior to coming to Burton Elim in 2022, Chris worked for a national Christian Charity helping offenders to rebuild their lives after prison or secure hospital by overcoming multiple, complex needs including addiction, mental and physical health issues, while Lynette is a cognitive behavioural therapist for the NHS helping many people find freedom and hope.

Gerry is married to Liz, and together they have led our Princess Street congregation for over 20-years.  Gerry worked for many years in the police force until retiring, and has a passion for the gospel and to see the genuine and authentic presence of the Holy Spirit.

Gerry is also one of our Deputy Safeguarding Officers
Chris Drury
01283 205323

  Gerry Holmes
Elder, Princess Street Leader
Alaji is married to Sophia, and has recently retired from a long and succesful career as a consultant eye-surgeon in the NHS.  He has a passion to see people being discipled and mentored, and has a particular responsibility overseeing our home "Connect Groups."


Richard is married to Sue, and has his own accountancy business working in the charity sector.  He has a passion to see the church putting its faith into action, and has particular responsibility oversseing our church finances.
Alaji Gashau
Elder, Connect Groups

  Richard Farmer
Elder, Finance



Alongside our elders, we have a team of deacons, ministry leaders who oversee particular areas of responsibility for our church activity, and together with the elders provde leadership to the church.


Alison Dolman

Pastoral Care

Alison takes a lead, working with the pastor to oversee pastoral care and help us make sure we love and care for people well.

Michelle Hurst

Finance Officer

Michelle takes a lead, working closely with Richard, as our finance officer.


Matt Rimmer

Youth Leader

Matt works for Burton Youth for Christ as their Lead Youth Worker and oversees our youth work.  Matt is also our Safeguarding Lead.

Children & Families Deacon

This role is shortly to be filled

Princess Street Deacon

This role is shortly to be filled

Jonathan Davies

Moor Street Deacon

Jonathan works quietly in the background to ensure that the church is a welcoming place and runs smoothly.  He has a special heart for prayer, and longs to see the church's prayer life grow. He is also one of our Deputy Safeguarding Officers.

Buildings' Deacon

This role is shortly to be filled 



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