Building for the future 2 

Here at Burton Elim we believe God is on the move! He is building His church, and we are excited to be part of all that He is doing.  As we experience His power at work, we know that the gospel is still the hope for our nation, and that he has equipped his church with power to be His witnesses.
Believing that the best is still to come, as God pours new wine into His church we are drawing inspiration from the parable of the growing seed in Mark 4:26-29 and have embarked on a new adventure  intentionally investing  to create new wineskins ready to hold that new wine.  This adventure and investment is seeking God's will in the following areas:

Investing in Princess Street

After 23-years of investment, we have an amazing congregation in Princess St.  In c.2001 one of our elders (Gerry) led a team of 17 to relaunch a dying congregation in the old Town Mission, and since then this work has grown to a healthy congregation.  Following Gerry's decision to step down and return with his wife to the Moor St congregation we are currently developing what we do for teh next season, and considerirng what our next steps should be to continue the work in this part of the town.  As part of this. we have begun the process of seeking a second pastor to join the team at Burton to help us develop this work and strengthen the "One Church, Two Locations" relationship.

Investing in People

We believe that God gives "pastors, prophets, evangelists" etc to churches to "equip God's people for works of service" and so we are encouraging and exploring how we can release people's gifts and skills to increase our capacity to serve our town as part of the Great Commission.

Investing in Buildings

We have 3 amazing buildings, which we are grateful to God and HIs people for making possible.  However, these now need work doing to them both to repair and maintain, but also to shape them to be suitable for our commitment to seeing God build HIs church.  We are aware that as a growing church, we have challenges of space and facilities and so in faith we have begun a building adventure to create spaces that help us serve our town, and meet the needs of an active church both now and in the future.
As this adventure develops, we will try to keep you updated on this page with news and information.